Terraria Armors by *deadinsane on deviantART
You've got a house! (If you don't, here's part one of this Survival 101 posts) What now? You need to prepare for the Corruption by upgrading your ARMOR!
Q: What's the corruption? It's a Biome that spreads wherever there's an abundance of Ebonstone. Normally, each Terraria world have two Corruption Areas, one on each side of the map. The normal spawns are replaced with nastier Eater of Souls and Devourers, thorns grow in the land and only the higher tier pickaxes can mine Ebonstone.
Q: Why would I go there? Two things: Shadow Orbs (contains treasure) and Demon Altars (can create boss summoning items, which drop treasure.) Also, the high spawn rate of monsters there can be quite profitable. So, let's get to it~!
1.) The first step is to get the Merchant NPC. Just build another house, preferably connected to your first one (The guide's house). Don't forget the furniture (Chair, Table and Light Source) as well as the walls. Now, while we're waiting for the NPC to spawn..
2.) Stock up on gels and wood. You're gonna create a bunch of torches and a ton of wooden platforms, so chop down those trees! Kill those slimes! Try to plant some acorns too so that you won't run out of wood.
Q: The Merchant won't spawn! If you have built your house correctly, then you'd just have to be patient. He won't spawn when you're near (NPCs are shy), so let's just continue to the third step!
3.) DIG!
Q: What? DIG!
Q: Really? Yeah! It's easier to dig down near your spawn point for easy access, but here are a few things to looks out for:
- A steam engine-like sound. That's a Giant Worm. Many characters have died to this beast, but here's a technique to help: Don't try to follow it. Instead, stand your ground and don't stop swinging your preferred weapon. This will lure the worm to you, and hopefully you'll bash it's fragile head in when it shows up.
- Pots. They contain coins and BOMBS. These are very useful in sticky situations. speaking of sticky situations: Bomb + Gel = Sticky Bomb.
- Chests! These are quite uncommon, so keep an eye out for these. Also, red stone hearts will increase your total HP, if you've got a hammer to chisel it out.
- Ore! We're aiming for Iron and Silver. Copper is not really a good upgrade since I found out that silver is a lot better. Try to get the Gold Ores too, but don't expect to craft armor out of those anytime soon.
- And last but definitely not the least: Cobwebs!
4.) When you get at least 50 Cobwebs, find a nice level ground preferably near a resource such as glowing mushrooms. Build yourself an outpost, which will serve as your secondary respawn point when adventuring near the area.
You can build a bed (respawn point) by creating a workbench, then turning your 50 Cobwebs into 5 Silk, which can be crafted into one bed. Don't forget to right click the bed to set it as you current spawn location.
Q: My Merchant has "moved in"! Yey! Journey back to the surface then! Here's a checklist of things that you'd craft:
- Workbench (reuse your first one if you can.)
- Furnace (20 Stone Blocks + 4 Wood + 3 Torches)
- Buy an Anvil from the Merchant, or craft one if you think you have excess Iron Ores (15 Iron Ores to 5 Iron Bars to 1 Anvil)
- Your priority is Iron Pickaxe (36 Iron Ores to 12 Iron Bars + 3 Wood) and an Iron Broadsword (24 Iron Ores to 8 Iron Bars). Save your more precious ores for Armor.
- If you have a lot of Silver Ores (300, to be exact) you can skip the Iron Armor upgrade and just smelt 300 Silver Ores into 75 Silver Bars, into a full set of Silver Armor.
- Iron is a lot more common than Silver. You only need 225 Iron Ores for a full set of Iron Armor.
- Try to create a Gold Pickaxe or a Gold Broadsword / Gold Bow if you have enough Gold Ores.
5.) If you don't have enough ores, just go down to your underground outpost and start digging. When you have decent armor and weaponry, we'll head out to the corruption!
Ok, that's it for this post~ A very long one at that :( Anyway, see you tomorrow!
#YeA #Terraria *signing out*
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